The highly anticipated X-Men ’97 has finally begun airing on Disney+ and the show is a direct continuation of the original X-Men: The Animated Series which ran from 1992 through 1997. The first two episodes have revived some classic characters like Cyclops and Jean Grey, leaving fans feeling nostalgic. However, one character in particular, Gambit, is gaining much more attention than the others due to several reasons.
Gambit is a mutant member of the X-Men and a former member of the Thieves’ Guild. He uses explosive charges of kinetic energy to damage playing cards and other objects, often buying new packs. Gambit has a metal Bo-staff for defending against attacks and is skilled in martial arts. He also regularly exercises and possesses the skills of a master thief. He is skilled in martial arts and regularly exercises. Spoiler Alert! That Wolverine and Gambit scene where Gambit lights up Wolverine’s claw must be one of the coolest things in the show. But that is not the only thing that generated much attention towards the character, here’s why Gabit is in constant discussion.
Gambit’s Crop Top is Triggering Fans and Are Questioning His Sexuality
Fans and audiences are divided over Gambit’s outfit in X-Men ’97, but the question pondered over the character as to why would he be wearing a crop top. However, the inclusion of Gambit wearing a crop top makes total sense for the character and the show’s setting.
Gambit is meant to be smooth and cool, so it makes total sense that he would keep up with the fashion trends. His rock and roll aesthetic very much shows how he is a bit more of a rebel than his teammates, especially someone more uptight like Cyclops.
Although some fans criticized Gambit’s outfit and questioned his sexuality, some fans came in defense.
I hate to break it to you younger fans, but this is nether a statement about Gambit's sexuality nor is it intended to show security in his masculinity. The fact is we all wore shirts like this back in the 90s. Yes, even those of us who had no business wearing them.#XMen97
— ERod 🔨 (@ERodBuster1) March 21, 2024
Few more examples including Will Smith and Johnny Depp.
— Andrew Deakins (@DEAKINGENIOUS) March 22, 2024
Gambit voice actor, A.J. LoCascio, even commented on the issue. LoCascio wrote on Twitter, “Gonna need this shirt & to stop eating pizza for about 3 months to wear it.”
Gonna need this shirt & to stop eating pizza for about 3 months to wear it.
— AJ LoCascio🦇🎃 (@AJLoCascio) March 20, 2024
James Asmus, who started writing Gambit’s storyline in 2012, told comic book fan Rich Johnston that he had planned bisexual storylines for the character, but it got turned down by Marvel. Asmus said,
“It’s true that I was interested in revealing Gambit to be bisexual in our series – with us first seeing him seduce a man on one of his missions, and soon thereafter meeting a member of the thieves guild Gambit previously had a more significant relationship with in his pre-X-Men debut. I never got past pitching the first part, though, as word came down we wouldn’t be redefining the character as such.”
Further, men wearing crop tops in the 90s was a legitimate trend that the show intended to follow as the very title reflected the period in a light of cultural reflection. In its essence, if the character is presented as bisexual in the most talked about animated MCU show it would be the creator’s immaculate intention to reflect a new version through the character. Regardless, seeing Gambit alongside other X-Men is a delight.
Gambit Being Heartbroken by Rogue & Magneto’s Moment
The relationship between Rogue and Magneto in X-Men ’97 is intriguing, but fans of Gambit may be disappointed. The dynamic between Rogue and Gambit was a core memory of X-Men: The Animated Series, and it played a significant role in making Gambit a great character.
Fans took to Twitter and expressed their displeasure.
Gambit when he caught Rogue coming out of Magneto’s office: #XMen97
— VONTÉ ‘97 (@TheWindGodVonte) March 22, 2024
I was so hurt so Gambit! I remember reading up on Rogue and Magneto, but I didn’t think they would do this in this adaptation. Why they gotta bring more drama with my favorite pairing in the X-Family? I hope they pull through. Scratch that, they will, it’s just another obstacle!
— Color 4 Life❤️🧡💛💚💙💜 (@CurtisWat94) March 23, 2024
Gambit when he watches footage of Magneto and Rogue's conversation
— Jamaalaveli (@kayneIIXIV) March 21, 2024
On the plus side, this new love triangle does add drama to Gambit and Rogue’s dynamic, and it fits with the show’s soapy underlying soap opera-like vibes. With Magneto having established himself as a benevolent leader of the X-Men in Charles Xavier’s absence, adding friction from Gambit will make the storyline richer.
Despite how popular Gambit was as a character coming out of X-Men: The Animated Series and in Marvel Comics in the 1990s, he has only appeared once in X-Men movies, in X-Men Origins: Wolverine. Played by Taylor Kitsch, the version was nothing like the source material or the animated icon and felt like a stripped back approximation without the cool factor. The promise of Channing Tatum’s Gambit movie was really exciting for the fans, but ultimately it never happened, and Gambit fans were once more left without a fitting live-action adaptation of the character.
Barsha Dutta is a seasoned entertainment writer and editor, who with an encyclopedic knowledge of the MCU from A to Z, has established herself as a go-to authority for all MCU-related content. With two years of experience in the entertainment industry, Barsha has honed her skills in writing and editing, delivering engaging and insightful content for audiences worldwide. She began her journey at FandomWire, where she delved deep into the realms of pop culture and entertainment, garnering a loyal following for her informative and entertaining articles. Currently, Barsha continues to captivate readers with her writing prowess as a contributor to Pinkvilla, where she covers a wide range of entertainment topics. When not watching any movie or writing, she can be found in her garden, watering her favorite plants.