Taylor Swift Becomes the First Musician to Enter an Elite List that Includes Star Wars Creator
Anti-Hero singer Taylor Swift has become the latest inclusion in the billionaire's list by Forbes
Anti-Hero singer Taylor Swift has become the latest inclusion in the billionaire's list by Forbes
Emmy-winning actor, Julia Garner is set to play Shalla-Bal version of Silver Surfer in The Fantastic Four
Fans think Sam Raimi will be a good fit to direct Avengers: Secret Wars given his previous success
Once clueless about this Sci-fi franchise, Zoe Saldana wants to do one more movie
Mr Beast is currently the most-subscribed individual YouTube channel
Alex Garland keeps coming back to the directors' chair despite the fatigue of filmmaking surrounding him.
Legends on Reigns' reigning
She thinks it's absurd
It's okay to disagree.
Finally, the actress herself responds