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Ella Purnell’s Thriller Series ‘Yellowjackets’ Season 3 Will Be More ‘Brutal’ As Revealed By Her Co-star In A New Update (Spoiler Alert)

Christina Ricci talks about upcoming ‘Yellowjackets’ season

Christina Ricci Gave The Most Recent Yellowjackets Update
Ella Purnell | CTB Custom Image | Credit: Brendan Meadows/SHOWTIME

The Ella Purnell-starrer Showtime series Yellowjackets was already renewed for season 3 but a new update from Christina Ricci who plays the older version of Misty Quigley revealed that the upcoming season of the show will be brutal. The actor also revealed that season 3 of the series has already been filmed.

Christina Ricci Gave The Most Recent Yellowjackets Update

The younger version of the cast in 'Yellowjackets' season 2.

The younger version of the cast in Yellowjackets season 2. Image Credit SHOWTIME

SPOILER ALERT! Season 2 of Yellowjackets ended with a shocking twist as Christina Ricci’s character Misty accidentally killed Juliette Lewis’ Natalie. Speaking with The Hollywood Reporter, Ricci revealed that the upcoming season of the show has already been shot in Canada which will follow up the cliffhanger the end of season 2 provided.

“This season is going to be even more shocking and surprising than the previous seasons,” Ricci told the outlet recently adding, “It’s definitely going to be brutal. But they also put a lot of comedy into it. So I think it’s just going to be… extremely Yellowjackets-y.”

The actor also addressed the death of Lewis’ character sharing, the team is already missing the actor as they have shared a bond “like sisters” on set. “We bonded and spent so much time together,” she added. “And we just really loved each other. It was really sad for her character to be killed off. Even now, we’ve filmed a couple of episodes, and it’s sad without Juliet.” Ricci’s comment indicates that Lewis will not appear in the third season of the show, even in a flashback.

Christina Ricci Addressed Misty Killing Natalie

Christina Ricci in Yellowjackets

Christina Ricci in Yellowjackets (2021). Image Credit: SHOWTIME/Netflix

The death of Natalie was definitely a shocker as she has been one of the primary characters in the show, nobody saw the fate of Lewis’ Natalie coming to an end until the very end of season 2. Ricci believes that Misty can forgive herself for the accidental killing of Natalie. “I do. We’ve seen that she’s done it before,” the actor told THR. “She forgave herself for what she did to her friends in the wilderness, and I think she is someone who does get past things because she is a survivor.”

While most of the details of the show are still under wraps, Samantha Hanratty who plays tongue Misty previously told ET that the grief of Natalie’s death may start the premise of the series. “I think that with that grief, it’s gonna bring out a lot of interesting levels of the other characters and I’m really excited to see that,” Hanratty said. Sophie Thatcher (teen Natalie) “is gonna keep Natalie’s legacy living.” 

Showtime has not confirmed the cast for season 3 as of yet but most of the actors playing the younger versions are likely to return alongside the actors playing primary older characters including Ricci. 

Season 3 of Yellowjackets is expected to land in early 2025

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Diganta Sarma
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Diganta Sarma is a dedicated professional working at a prominent NGO, where his passion for social causes and community development shines. Outside of his impactful work, Diganta immerses himself in the vibrant world of movies and television shows, always eager to stay updated with the latest happenings in the entertainment industry and the lives of celebrities. His enthusiasm for cinema and popular culture is matched by his love for storytelling in various forms. In his leisure time, Diganta finds solace in his garden and in reading comics. Whether he's advocating for a cause, watching the latest blockbuster, tending to his plants, or diving into a new comic, Diganta brings enthusiasm and dedication to everything he does.

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